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Start: Projekte


Münch Management Consultancy, based in the small community of Bruckberg in Lower Bavaria, was founded in 2009. The company is characterized by its regional proximity to Munich Airport. Our company provides practical advice to companies on the implementation, maintenance and further development of management systems. Simple, optimal and cost-saving advisory approaches are worked out with our customers in order to support their companies positively in further development. In addition to the effectiveness of the advice provided, the main focus of every consultancy service is the efficient use of methods and software tools. For this purpose, Münch Management Consultancy uses a portfolio of Microsoft Office-based templates and tools developed in-house. The companies advised can use the tools to implement and maintain management systems in an integrative and low-cost manner.


We offer management system consulting and auditing as a full-service provider in the areas

  • Information security (ISO 27001, ISO 27017, TISAX, IT-Grundschutz, MS STRIDE ..)

    • Management consulting (management system for information security)

    • IT service consulting (risk assessments and security concepts, e.g. cloud and IoT)

  • Business continuity (ISO 22301, BSI 100-4, BCI GPG, ..)

  • Quality management (ISO 9001, 19011, ..)

  • Service Management (ISO 20000, ITIL, CobIT, ..)

  • Data protection management (EU-DGSVO, ISO 27701)

Start: Kontakt


Münch Management Consultancy

Mohnweg 2c, 84079 Bruckberg

Landline: +49 (87 65) 93 88 71

Fax: +49 (87 65) 9 39 95 18

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Start: Impressum


Information obligation according to § 5 TMG.

Münch Management Consultancy
Mohnweg 2c,
84079 Bruckberg,

VAT number: DE 266 439 677

Tel .: +49 8765 938871
Fax: +49 8765 9399518

Job title: Management Consulting

Territorial validity: Germany

 +49 87 65 93 88 71

©2020 Münch Management Consultancy

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